Up early to go shopping today, Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, when many Americans try to accomplish all their Christmas shopping? PLEASE REMEMBER THAT BUYING PRODUCTS MADE IN THE UNITED STATES is going to stimulate our economy, is going to help keep jobs in the United States, and is ultimately going to help INSURE YOUR OWN PROSPERITY! So check those tags... and go that extra dollar or two... PLEASE!
Give thanks for what you do have. Help those who do not have. Do an old fashioned thing and invited someone who has nowhere to go (or would be stuck in a Board and Care) for a THANKSGIVING MEAL!
Went shopping at the Dollar Tree chain recently. The store was immaculate and well organized and the staff was friendly, if only working the registers. The manager told me that they pretty much always have the same merchandise with a seasonal section, a party section, food (more on this in a bit), and cleaning supplies.
So I went looking in the seasonal section and found almost everything was made in China, a few items were made in Mexico (which I prefer over China). I kept turning over products to see what company or source was listed. I was really upset when I found an entire line of Betty Crocker kitchen gadgets all made in China.... Betty Crocker a sell out? I did find one surprise. TISSUE PAPER MADE IN THE USA! I bought some of that. And I also found another surprise, which Iwant to pass on to those of you who are using Food Stamps, also known as EBT, and CalFresh. There was a good array of foods for $1 an item including egg noodles, larger cans of Campbells soup, pot pies, packages of crackers, and so on. I would like to encourage DOLLAR TREE TO FIND MORE MADE IN THE UNITED STATES PRODUCTS for it's stores. WHEN YOU GO INTO DOLLAR TREE please mention it also!
Linking here to consumerism commentary which is from WALL STREET JOURNAL MAGAZINE.
"The government’s assumptions and values used in this study are fascinating. Here are a few: Because coins circulate more slowly than bills, 1.5 coins will be needed for every 1 bill (note) .Dollar bills have a lifespan of 40 months while coins have a lifespan of 34 years. A dollar bill costs 2.7 cents to produce while a dollar coin costs 15 cents each. There are 9.5 billion dollar bills in circulation today. There are 3 billion dollar coins in circulation today, with an additional billion in Federal Reserve vaults (not quite a collectible item)." WHATEVER HAPPEN TO THE SUSAN B ANTHONY DOLLAR COIN? I recall that these were minted and then no one seemed to want them for change. I used mine at the post office stamp machine!
Yes, you can buy clothing made in the USA and now a high end company, the Club Monaco brand, is going to introduce a men's line made in the USA. It's about time... it's about this economy. So if you're a HAVE, do us all a favor, and spend that money in the United States! Linking to the ABC news story...
And We Hope We Inspire You To Do Some Of Your Own! Locating MADE IN THE USA Products isn't always easy, but it's WORTH A TRY! It's Worth Preserving Jobs in the United States of America, Stimulating The Economy, and Buying Better Made and Designed Products! If you have any product suggestions or recommendations please contact us using comments including your e-mail.
We're looking for products - good products - that are PROUDLY FLYING THE AMERICAN FLAG because they are MADE IN THE USA!
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