Active ingredients are peppermint oil, rosemary oil, and 97% other such as water, 2 propanol, wintergreen oil, white mineral oil, etc....
We bought a can of this stuff. We wanted to kill the insects and not sicken and die ourselves. We didn't want our dog to get sick either.
Unfortunately the "INSTANTLY" part about how it kills ants and roaches is NOT TRUE. We targeted them and sprayed and watched them flip over and try to live. Some of them managed to keep running and disappear. We did spray around the underside of the sinks but have no reason to believe this was a deterrent since a spray can later, we still have the problem. The INSTANTLY mattered to us. We wanted the least suffering. We didn't really want to kill anything but damn, TALKING to the tiny critters about how they had to live OUTSIDE didn't seem to work.
When you spray all this OILY stuff out, it smells good if you like intense minty smells. It also slightly coats your finger from the button. You can feel the tingle and YOU MUST WASH YOUR HANDS RIGHT AWAY - thoroughly - or you will possibly touch your face, your mouth, your eyes, just as human's do, unthinking. So we would walk into the kitchen or bathroom at night, grab the bottle, spray, and then wash our hands. We thought, OK it's only temporary. But other than the smell, we think this product is a pain in the butt and doesn't really deal with the problem.
By the way, before we tried this, we tried the cheap $1 for two boxes of glue attractant, and watched as the insects went into shock that they were so stupid to be stuck and tried to pull their limbs out. Looking in there, all dead or dying is awful. Some actually got away amputated... that's how much they wanted to live. We also mixed up simple boric acid with powdered sugar, but it soon lost it's powder due to humidity. So what we have now are those "hotels" that say that the insects go in, eat, and take it back to the nest.
We shall see!
We're actually hoping that all the SPIDERS who moved in this summer will eat the other bugs for us, or at least scare them.
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