Tuesday, January 20, 2009


This blog, PATRIOTIC PURCHASE, was founded today, January 20, 2009, on the same date at the Inauguration of President Barack Obama, of the United States. It is founded in the belief that BUYING AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS is essential to economic recovery and maintenance. This blog intends to bring information about economics - jobs - manufacturing - and purchasing in the United States of America, which is presently in economic strife akin to The Great Depression.

All opinions expressed here belong to the owner(s) of PATRIOTIC PURCHASE, unless linked to or referenced. This blog is the intellectual property of the owner(s) of PATRIOTIC PURCHASE. Media linked to - be it text, photography, art, videos, music, news articles, book excerpts, etc, belong to the owners of the intellectual property and are used to illustrate, illuminate, or perhaps challenge our patriotic notions.

Please contact us via the e-mail we will provide in the near future, if you would like to tell us about products that you know of that are made with excellence in the United States of America, the greatest nation that has existed on this earth since 1776!

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