Tuesday, April 28, 2009


By Patriotic Purchase C 2009

This term most often refers to traveling into Canada or Mexico to purchase products or services. This can include medical treatments, prescriptions, and dental work or just about anything that is cheaper because of the retail price, wholesale availability, or ability to bargain or trade. However, a lot of cross border trading is actually done by mail order or over the Internet, with purchases shipped into the United States rather than the consumer traveling physically across a border. This expands the reach into other countries besides Mexico or Canada.

Prescription drugs, as you may know, are the hottest items to be purchased elsewhere. Since people feel or know that their prescriptions keep them alive and the costs to purchase these through pharmacies in the United States are often extremely more expensive, it's difficult to argue with the consumer who is in a tough spot. The greed of prescription drug manufacturers in alliance with doctors and the FDA probably need to be examined and eradicated. For government by the people FOR THE PEOPLE and FREEDOM FROM FEAR would not indicate that any citizen should have to suffer for want of food, shelter, clothing, education, or medical care.

However, if you are going to Mexico, for instance, because it's "cheap" I want you to consider the ramifications of this travel. I advise that you see the United States first. If you've already been to our great national parks, our battlefields and historical sights, consider traveling to those countries that have a history of being our allies, and where democracy reigns.

Once again, keep the tourism jobs IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Learn more and enjoy more of your own country!

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