Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Link here to one of many articles on the net and in newspapers and the media which suggest that the FDIC, which insures bank deposites is broke. Of course, if the FDIC is broke this means our country is at it's weakest. BANKING IS GETTING TOO EXPENSIVE AS IS, but we are pretty much stuck with it. That is, unless you can barter and make and use cash, and want to defend your safe with your own rifle! Because of the pressure to automatic deposite and do on-line banking, as well as purchase on line, and the whole CREDIT REPORT threat, and IDENTITY THEFT FRAUD problem - well CONSPIRACY THEORIES EXIST !


Think about this. What if you start using CHECK CASHING PLACES instead of BANKS? Will your fees for cashing your paycheck and getting money orders really be a lot more than you are paying your bank, and will it make your transactions more PRIVATE?

What if you use PREPAID CHARGE CARD services to stash your cash instead of BANKS?


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