Wednesday, October 13, 2010


We are upset and outraged to know that the HOMELESS POPULATION of the United States is increasingly families and those who have lost homes and apartments, people who have always been good citizens and worked but who now have their credit ruined, not because they overspent and were silly, but because they lost their work, or were underemployed for a long time.

We run a lot of posters from the World War II era here at Patriotic Purchase, a time we believe that Americans sacrificed and pulled together, were united in the war effort, and believed in their country. THE GREAT RECESSION WITH NO END we are living in is often compared to the GREAT DEPRESSION but now we have some social services people then did not have. OR DO WE?

We have social services that are being cut drastically. Many families taking in members who have lost homes and apartments. Where this will end, no one seems to know.

WHEN YOU PASS A PERSON ON THE STREET, in a COFFEE HOUSE, in a LIBRARY, or any other place that homeless people seek shelter and bathrooms during the day, please do not assume that they did something terrible to be punished with this. MANY OF THEM ARE DECENT PEOPLE IN TERRIBLE CIRCUMSTANCES.

See these people and let if fuel your desire to buy products and services MADE IN THE UNITED STATES.


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