Sunday, January 8, 2012


We know that most Chinese people are good people. We know the Chinese have historically been ahead on many inventions, are hard workers, and we hold no personal hatred for the Chinese people as individuals.

We know that Chinese culture is not our culture though. As Americans, living in the United States of America we are against China for the following reasons:

Forced Anti-Religious choice and economic Communism.
Forced Limits on Reproductive Freedom (One Child Per Family Policy forces abortion).
Child Labor.
Suspected and reported violations of individual's civil rights as we know them.

We're also aware that many companies in the United States and elsewhere deal with Chinese companies because the workers are paid cheaply. We know that they don't care if the air in China is polluted by factories (as if that doesn't effect the entire earth) or if the Chinese people have an epidemic of lung cancer and other illnesses from that pollution. We say shame on them for exporting labor, putting Americans out of work, and hurting our economy. Shame also on the Chinese government for allowing their people to suffer.

We also hold it against these two negative forces for:

Lack of codes for products which, for no good reason, contain lead and other harmful substances arriving here. (And shame on the United States for allowing dishware that has a peel off warning lable on the back that it should not actually be used for food! We saw a lot of this "decorative" stuff being sold at 99 Cents Only and other stores for the Christmas season.)

Junky Value: You'll buy it cheap but it will fall apart and end up in a landfill for us to deal with. That's where it gets our ecology!

We can do without all that junk!

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