Friday, August 10, 2012


This time of the year, summer, is traditional for growing your own garden, maybe doing some picking or canning, to preserve for the coming winter months.
This may be the time to learn or teach how to garden, when to pick a veggie, how to can or preserve it, how to use spices, and so on. If you can't have a garden, take the kids to the market and show them how to "feel" a cantaloupe!
(We hear some of you are trying your luck at growing grapes and making wine!)
After all, what would you do if you couldn't buy canned goods at the store? Do you know that canned foods can last years and yet the last time we bought canned veggies we were suprised to see "best if used before 2013" on them, making us wonder if these had been in a warehouse for 9 years already!
What would you do if food from other countries was no longer imported into the United States?
If all the seeds that were sold were "terminator" seeds that can't reproduce?
With crops failing in the United States due to drought, we know that the prices of corn and soy will be going up, and with them the cost of all the products including frozen foods that use corn or soy including corn starch, corn syrup, and the like.

We know that home cooking offers the best possibilities for preserving your health as well.
Having a stay at home mom who cooked the daily meals is a rarity these days, so we as a nation have gone for the salty, sugary, fast foods and the frozen foods, and these out weight on especially if they're fried. But making an event out of cooking and eating a home made meal once a week and having family time can be a lot of fun - and don't forget to invite the friends over too!

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