Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Growing up we didn't put a Christmas Tree up until it was nearly Christmas, sometimes Christmas Eve and we didn't dye eggs until it was almost time to fill our baskets.  Want to dye the eggs without buying commercial dye?  A memory of a grandma who knew how to long ago, using onion skins, tea, and veggies.  The colors are very mellow.  You won't get a hot pink for instance.  You can save the fluid from a can of picked beets though!

First you can dye the eggs after they have been boiled or boil them in the water that will dye them.  Seems to us it depends on how many eggs you want to dye.  It also depends on if you want to skip the hot dye and deal only with cold dye on eggs that have cooled!

Hopefully you have saved some egg cartons so you can prop them up to dry!

We're linking to an ABOUT.COM site that explains the chemistry a bit better than we can:


Most of all have fun while you dye the eggs.

It is very Old Fashioned to trade eggs with friends as little gifts.  And if you get too many eggs?  Time to make POTATO SALAD! 

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