Thursday, July 18, 2013


We haven't made up our minds about Edward Snowden, who is, depending on your viewpoint, a whistleblower or a spy, but we certainly have been reading around the subject of Snowden, the NSA, and Internet privacy. 

As Google Bloggers we have trusted that our relationship with Google is between us and that company.  We understand that Google is a Business, and that to have free use of Blogger, Google might want to make some money on us, but we've never been tempted by AdSense since reading around it, we wouldn't have control over what businesses pop up as advertising on this blog.  We're here to inspire you to buy American for many good reasons, here to do a little research for you, and hope that you'll do a little extra research yourself when you want to buy a product.

It upset us to hear the successful American Capitalist Donald Trump condemning Edward Snowden to death. Who made him King of our Country?

We believe that in the United States of America people who are accused of crimes deserve the right to a fair trial and legal process and hope that if Edward Snowden makes it back to us, that he has that experience as a citizen.  Will he make it back to us?

We also don't believe that Snowden thought through his plans well enough or he would not be stuck in the airport no-mans-land in Moscow.  We don't really think Snowden wants to live his life in Russia, Venezuela, Ecuador, or Bolivia, or even Iceland.

We also feel for his father, who has reached out to him with the help of a lawyer, and who lives in a part of the country so full of early American history, a very patriotic part of the country, Pennsylvania.

As we read around the subject we learned about a search engine called DUCK DUCK GO, which doesn't track a person's searches.  It does have advertising but not especially "intelligent" advertising.  We've tried it and it seems to work just fine.

If you would like to express yourself here, please use comments.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


When we started this blog we were very concerned about the loss of American jobs, particularly in Manufacturing, due to cheap badly made imports taking the place of American Made Products.  We still are.

We are also concerned with the way PATRIOTIC PURCHASERS are treated in the stores they walk into.

We've personally had a problem with clothing stores that have NO DRESSING ROOMS and TAKE NO RETURNS OR EXCHANGES - not even for store credit.  These stores are often owned by Russian or Chinese immigrants.

We have no problem with people from other countries coming to the United States to have businesses, but for some reason the stores where we were treated as SUSPECTS instead of CUSTOMERS seemed to be owned by these immigrants.

So recently we decided to use YELP as a means to posting our experiences with them.

YES, we are YELPING!

When you sign up for YELP you'll get a LOT of marketing in your e-mail.  We realize that their purpose is to send traffic /customers through the doors of businesses through GOOD REVIEWS!

Still, if you are a frustrated consumer, you can certainly join YELP and get out what the STORE OWNERS, MANAGERS, EMPLOYEES, and others don't want to hear!


Monday, July 8, 2013


We stayed home this year for the Fourth of July.  We just weren't in the mood to picnic or see the fireworks.  To our surprise, our neighborhood came alive with fireworks, all illegal. With mixed feelings we watched these displays, while news that several Fourth of July parades and professional fire works displays went haywire, in particular the event in Simi Valley, California, where some of the fireworks shot into the crowds instead of the air.

There's something to be said for staying HOME SWEET HOME!  Something to be said for leaving all the "to do" lists on the desk and just sitting around doing nothing much real well!

Saturday, July 6, 2013


We haven't E-Bay'ed in years and so much has changed on the site.  Reading around the subject we learned that more sellers are going for the BUY IT NOW option rather than the risk of an AUCTION.  We've also learned that many  Citizens of the United States of America are claiming E-Bay to be their first or second income on their taxes.  E-Bay is the number one HOME BASED BUSINESS!

People who have garage sales or post items for sale on the Pennysaver or Craig's List are dealing with more E-BAY auctioners who are buying stuff to sell on the site.

We hear kids laughing about selling gifts they've been given and "turning around" things that their friends sold them cheap on the site.

Maybe it's a response to the economy, that need to have to buy things more cheaply, to have things delivered to the door rather than spend money on gas to go out hunting for it.

Just for the fun of it, we decided to see if our VHS movie collection was at all valuable on E-Bay.  A few of our films were potentially selling for $10 to $50, but most were selling for $1.  If "selling" is the right word to use.   Looked like dozens of people were all trying to sell the same movie and there were NO BIDS!  Why waste that time listing and watching auctions.  Some people were selling dozens of movies for one price!

So if you want to cash out or turn around things you've been gifted or own, we think you should research the E-Bay site and see if items the same or  like yours are selling at all! on EBAY POLICY CHANGE AND BUY IT NOW