Thursday, July 18, 2013


We haven't made up our minds about Edward Snowden, who is, depending on your viewpoint, a whistleblower or a spy, but we certainly have been reading around the subject of Snowden, the NSA, and Internet privacy. 

As Google Bloggers we have trusted that our relationship with Google is between us and that company.  We understand that Google is a Business, and that to have free use of Blogger, Google might want to make some money on us, but we've never been tempted by AdSense since reading around it, we wouldn't have control over what businesses pop up as advertising on this blog.  We're here to inspire you to buy American for many good reasons, here to do a little research for you, and hope that you'll do a little extra research yourself when you want to buy a product.

It upset us to hear the successful American Capitalist Donald Trump condemning Edward Snowden to death. Who made him King of our Country?

We believe that in the United States of America people who are accused of crimes deserve the right to a fair trial and legal process and hope that if Edward Snowden makes it back to us, that he has that experience as a citizen.  Will he make it back to us?

We also don't believe that Snowden thought through his plans well enough or he would not be stuck in the airport no-mans-land in Moscow.  We don't really think Snowden wants to live his life in Russia, Venezuela, Ecuador, or Bolivia, or even Iceland.

We also feel for his father, who has reached out to him with the help of a lawyer, and who lives in a part of the country so full of early American history, a very patriotic part of the country, Pennsylvania.

As we read around the subject we learned about a search engine called DUCK DUCK GO, which doesn't track a person's searches.  It does have advertising but not especially "intelligent" advertising.  We've tried it and it seems to work just fine.

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