Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Seems we're just not getting our lists done around here!

Oh to be LAZY, or is that TIRED, or is that OVERWHELMED? - Too much on the lists?

Well, it's hot.  SUMMERTIME.

We've been going through old paperwork to see if there's anything we can throw out and thereby lighten our load.  (We recycle paper.)

We've been bathing and grooming our dog by ourselves.  (You can use DAWN DISH SOAP - the blue original formula with the chick on it - to FLEA BATH your dog.  This is the same detergent used to scrub the oil off wild life that's effected by oil spills so it's safe.  If you want to skip the poisons and collars on your dog, it's advisable to bath you dog every two days - no more than 3.  A flea is born, it leaves poop for another hatching flea to feed on.  There are hundreds of different kinds of fleas.  Some jump three feet.  You don't want them in your carpet.  A flea bite itches.  The itching your dog is doing after a flea bath may be the bite itch.  Expect to see the fleas dead in the water!)

We've been reading some good books.

We've been testing our new medical insurance out by making appointments with new doctors.  (So far we're not happy.)

We've been eating too much.

We've been walking as exercise, even when it's not with the dog.

We've checked out a half dozen stores that we've never been in before looking to see what's MADE IN THE USA!

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