Thursday, December 4, 2014


We had a small traditional Thanksgiving feast, laid back, and let "Black Friday" and other sales events go by without a purchase.  That's because we're on a budget and committed to keeping the spirit of the Holidays alive while staying on that budget.  We're committed to spending our money wisely, recycling, giving away things we don't need (without a tax deduction), being innovative and creative. 

We don't think that a Christmas Tree piled high with gifts is important.  In fact, this year we will decorate without a Christmas Tree.  The drought has raised prices on real ones and we will not buy a fake one; they're bad for our economy and not biodegradeable.

Here are some ideas for you:

Instead of buying Christmas stockings (they get bigger every year) go traditional and put out one knee sock or one shoe.

Use old Christmas cards again by using them hung on string in windows, cut them to make your own present-tags, or use them to make tree ornaments.

Use old Christmas wrap again.  Cut out the ripped, taped, or worn out parts and wrap smaller gifts with it.

Use fabric scraps or scarves for gift wrap.

Don't buy a tree.  There is no reason that gifts must be under a tree.

Ornaments can be shown off and appreciated by placing them in bowls for the table.

Pull out old, ethnic recipes, and give things like casseroles that can be frozen and thawed out for meals, as gifts.  (Call ahead and tell the person that's what you're giving them to be sure they will appreciate it and have room in their freezer.  Reuse the small #5 Plastic containers from store bought frozen meals for smaller portions.)

Have a "misfit" toy party.  You and your children's friends wrap a toy they used but which is in good condition that they are through with, bake a cake, and have the kids grab bag the toys.

Don't forget about caroling; cheering up others by appearing at their door with song is still a great gift... go by the nearest Assisted Living place in your neighborhood.  Last time we did this people cried "You remembered us!"

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