Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Link now to this breaking news from THE LOS ANGELES TIMES... Illegal immigrants make up 10.8 million people in this country. Down by a million who went back to the nations they left?


Brittanicus said...

If the Democrats, Republicans and anti-sovereignty Liberals want Immigration Reform, all they have to do is amend the 1986 Simpson/Mazzoli law? This will save a huge amounts of money and wasted time in debating behind closed doors laws, not in the interest of the American public. To start the ball rolling implement huge penalties for company owners who ignore E-Verify, so judges can issue huge fines and mandatory prison with confiscation rights to their criminal businesses. Make E-verify, the computer program in the SAVE ACT law, permanent and nationwide for every person new and old who draws a payroll check. E-verify will not express the deportation of millions of illegal immigrants, but severe risk to businesses being caught using illegal foreign nationals instead of citizens and legal residents, will start a country wide exodus. We should follow the example of less lenient other countries, such as Mexico. Being illegally in Mexico is a fast passport to prison or worse. See what happens to you, if you enter from Guatemala? If we need guest worker's in future years, organize it like a military program, with eye scans and fingerprint documentation. This must be strictly overseen by Federal agents and not by a lax, indifferent method through the Dept of Labor?

Every year more than a million new immigrants are given visas to enter America, with no regard for the US workforce. These are supposedly well educated, highly skilled legal resident workers, but this is far from the truth. There is hardly no oversight to these sub-standard technical workers, who in many cases are substituted for Americans. We are jettisoned for individuals from the majority of poor countries who take minimum wages--far below what US workers expect? Stop unscrupulous lawyers in the pay of criminal employers, to import low skilled foreigners, who will become taxpayer charges? Start a points system to encourage highly skilled individuals, with powerful credentials in engineering, science and other sort after qualifications. According to sources their are at least 8 million foreigners are working illegally, so the rest of unauthorized people must be made up of family members? That arrives at an estimate of between 20 to 30 million people, who should have not stayed or even stepped into America? ”

A NumbersUSA director , visiting with Border Patrol Agents in the Tucson Sector in mid-October of 2009 asked if they believe the official Dept of Homeland Security statement that three illegal aliens successfully enter the United States for every one who is apprehended, to which they laughed. THE REALITY, THEY SAID, IS THAT 10 OR MORE GET THROUGH FOR EVERY ONE WHO IS CAUGHT. Make it a felony to overstay a entry visa or slip by the US border patrol without permission. Give local police full power to arrest and detain illegal immigrants under the 287 (G) federal program. Fully fund all these program, including ICE audits around the country. Also construct the border wall as originally introduced by Rep.Duncan Hunter as a double fence, across America--not single standing wall. Bring in the National Guard to reinforce the US Border Agents, with the right to arrest criminals and a whole list of illegal entrants. Politicians should enforce our immigration laws, not pander to the open border lobbyists.

Don't re-elect Sen. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Janet Napolitano who have stealthily underfunded and lowered our security within the confines of the US. Let us make an example of any legislator who defies THE PEOPLE'S wishes? Learn who is undermining US security and which lawmakers have been corrupted by lobbyists at JUDICIAL WATCH & NUMBERSUSA.



We thank you for your effort in posting your opinion on PATRIOTIC PURCHASE. We ourselves are of immigrant stock, and we know that there has always been a mainstream suspicion of immigrants, even when they are legal, such as in the Industrial/Robber Barron era when people came from Eastern and Southern Europe - to work. However, we already have an INS LOTTERY, and means to come through as a refugee. And yes we are feeling overrun by Illegal Immigrants from Mexico and the south. Let's not forget however that we also have Illegals coming in through Canada, and from places such as Ireland.