Friday, October 7, 2011


"Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We are the 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%.Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We are the 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%."

We think this is the official site for OCCUPY WALLSTREET, the protest group that has been in the news, and which is exploding around the country.

As with the TEA PARTY, we are curious and interested in how citizens are going about making their needs known to our politicians. Though we aren't members of either party, we understand the right to speak out and to protest.

This blog is our own small part in effecting change.

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