Sunday, October 9, 2011


We haven't given up on blogging or purchasing as much as we can that is made in the USA so that we can support jobs and the economy. President Obama inherited this mess and he is probably not going to be able to help us get out of the terrible economic situation we are living.

BUT IT IS UP TO US! It always was!
We can still help to turn it around!

So many of you have lost your apartments or homes. We know. A while back we called our closest church to ask if any parishioners needed someone to live in, in exchange for rent, for a friend of ours who was in desperate need of a roof over her head.

The area is considered well to do, there are many home owners, many senior citizens who bought those houses for a tenth or less than they would be sold for now, people who have maids.

This is what the church secretary said to us : "So many of our parishioners have lost homes, so many are taking in family, we just don't have anyone that needs to take strangers in."

Patriots can love their country and still have criticism.

We have to face that we have problems first before we can start solving them.

We can look at the negative and the positive. We can still believe without being in denial!

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