Monday, October 29, 2012


We are posting out of concern for our American Brothers and Sisters on the east coast - the ORIGINAL COLONIES - who are facing an incoming monster storm called Sandy, which will challenge us for days, knowing that many of you may go without electricity - without computer use - without phone use - possibly be unable to cook - possibly go without clean water from the tap.  You may be a stranded traveler or tourist.  You may not be able to get to work or school.

We know that the winds will create hazards that flooding doesn't, that wind will lower temperatures and in many places the snow will pile up and eventually thaw, creating more flooding, and that it will all get expensive.

Yet, we believe that most of you have the FORTITUDE to make it through, and that MANY OF YOU WILL ACTIVELY BE INVOLVED in helping your neighbors, checking in with people who live alone or who can't get around as well as others, and that this crisis CAN BE AN OPPORTUNITY for your FAMILY TO WORK TOGETHER. 

We'll be watching the media for informational reports about how you are all doing.  We wish you the best!


Saturday, October 27, 2012


Friends, we're getting sticker shock when we go grocery shopping at our local Ralphs, which is one of the grocery companies owned by Kroger Company.  We can tell you that we an barely afford our groceries if we try to shop exclusively at Ralphs. 

As a result we are venturing into more ma and pa ethnic groceries, such as an Armenian market we found that shows the source of each vegetable (USA, Mexico, etc.) and meat (CANADA, China), so that we can eat right.

Several years ago employees of Ralphs and some other grocery stores went on strike.  At that time, in order to break the union, some employees of Ralphs worked while providing someone else's social security number and identity for the paychecks to go to.  We understand that some of these people went against the Union because they had rents and mortgages and children to feed, yet...

We were out and about and met a couple people who claimed they had come to town from out of state to work the jobs non-union, to keep the store up and running, who said they were able to rent motel rooms and do this, but later in the news we learned that Ralphs had been caught on the Social Security numbers by the IRS and had to pay a million or more in fines.  We couldn't believe the company was willing to even try that!  Millions of dollars or not, we saw the prices go up to cover the payment.

Now gas prices are killing and the transportation costs are probably part of the increase in prices.  We get the weekly sale sheet and loaded up on Campbells Chunky Soups, which have been on sale for a dollar a can but as much as we loved all but one recipe, we don't think we can afford the $2.69 each that the store has the shelf marked with as the regular price.

The other morning, when there were only two cashiers at their check stands and we were only the second in line, a young woman who may have been a supervisor told the cashier right in front of us that she needed to tell anyone that was waiting to go to the automated check out!

CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS ? If we went to the automated we would do the work of a cashier and still pay Ralph's prices.  At first we thought, hey if we are going to do that work, we want a "check yourself out" discount (at Food for Less, which is also owned by Kroger, supposedly the prices are lower because you bag your own groceries).  Then we realized that the cashier had to cooperate in the elimination of her own job.

Think about this!  We grew used to doing our own BANKING through the use of the automated, and as a result we rarely have any relationship between us and the bank in the form of a live person unless we are trying to get a loan.  We have taken over the role of the post office by bill paying on line.  And the only time we call to speak to a live person is when we need to order new service or something goes wrong with the online bill payment. 

We miss the days when you could go to the grocery and tip someone to help you take the groceries to your car and help you load them.  We miss the days when someone working as a cashier could pay their rent, at least with a room mate.  We miss the days when we could actually respond to advertising for new food products by going to the store where we could afford them.

We told the supervisor in front of the cashier that come the day that there are no live persons to check us out at Ralphs will come the day we no longer purchase at Ralphs.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


We were walking our dog yesterday when some of our neighbors who were in the know told us they were walking to an intersection where the President's limo were due to pass on the way to filming the Jay Leno Show.  So we walked with them and sure enough the police were barricading the streets.  We were impressed with how coordinated it all was and how fast it all went.  Our neighbor first pointed to certain helicopters in the sky and said that one of them was a decoy.  Within about fifteen minutes we saw the President's car and, as we were on the side of the passenger seat and the windows were dark tinted, we saw the president through the window.  There was no doubt it was President Barak Obama!  He really is distinctive looking.  Before this vehicle there were a lot of motorcycle cops and behind him an SUV with a man or who bearing arms - sharpshooters no doubt.  But the crowd - kids and dogs too - all waved and we could see he was smiling.

It was all so neighborly, and so unlike the typical city experience.

Monday, October 22, 2012


We're making a fall wreath and all we bought was the wheat circle, which we found at a thrift shop for 75 cents. 

We have some glue sticks and a hot glue gun, purchase before we were so committed to buying in the USA, it's made in China, as are the sticks.  When we run out of glue sticks we'll see if we can locate any made in the USA. 

We decided to keep to our budget and start picking up seed pods and dry leaves and branches, whatever looks interesting, when we take our dog for a walk.  Now we have pine cones and so much else to glue to our wreath at no cost to us and we're getting our exercise too!

You might make a wreath using pop bottle tops or other items that are already bought when you bought the pop or whatever.  Corks from wine bottles and spools from thread can be used again as art materials.

Inexpensive or free items that can be recycled are art materials you can use to make so many crafty projects!

Don't forget to buy a pumpkin for Halloween that can be eaten.  Toast the seeds for snacking!

At Christmas buy a tree with roots that can be planted and skip the polluting bonfire!

Monday, October 8, 2012


The American Flag was designed by George Washington... Though many reasons have been given for the choice of red and white stripes, some say the first flag was a bit about his Washington family coat of arms or that there were Masonic symbolisms incorporated. George Washington was a Mason.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Some children will have the day off, others will go to school, but Columbus Day, a traditional holiday in the United States of America is something special to celebrate. 

In recent years there has been a lot of talk about Columbus and whether or not he was actually first to discover the American Continent or not.   As part of your classroom or home schooling celebration you can certainly include alternative stories.  WHAT WE WANT TO FOCUS ON HERE IS THE SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE and DISCOVERY!

For Columbus did not create the United States of America, and he didn't venture very far from where he landed, nor did he have the kind of ships we have today, far from it.  WHAT WE WANT TO FOCUS ON HERE IS THE WAY PEOPLE HAVE MANAGED TO DEAL WITH HARDSHIPS AND OBSTACLES!

Your celebration can include ART, HISTORY, or many other subjects.
You can write and perform original plays, poems, or songs.


Thursday, October 4, 2012



Friends, we felt so fortunate to be able to skip out around lunch time to join the thousands who were watching Southern California skys for the fly over of the SPACE SHUTTLE ENDEAVOUR, which is now going to begin it's slow move through the streets to the CALFORNIA SCIENCE CENTER where it will be on permanent display. 

It will arrive at the California Science Center, in the evening on October 13, 2012.

"This is set to be the first, last and only time a NASA space shuttle will travel through urban, public city streets."

From our viewpoint we thought we saw a high flying plane going from north to south about an hour before we expected the shuttle, and that might have been it way high up, but when a friend reminded us of the route and the promised fly over points, we stayed where we were, near a school.
It was so exciting to see the shuttle atop another plane and the companion fighter jets all flying flying so low, and when the kids saw it we could hear them yelling!  Smart teachers making this historic event part of their civics class!