Saturday, October 6, 2012


Some children will have the day off, others will go to school, but Columbus Day, a traditional holiday in the United States of America is something special to celebrate. 

In recent years there has been a lot of talk about Columbus and whether or not he was actually first to discover the American Continent or not.   As part of your classroom or home schooling celebration you can certainly include alternative stories.  WHAT WE WANT TO FOCUS ON HERE IS THE SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE and DISCOVERY!

For Columbus did not create the United States of America, and he didn't venture very far from where he landed, nor did he have the kind of ships we have today, far from it.  WHAT WE WANT TO FOCUS ON HERE IS THE WAY PEOPLE HAVE MANAGED TO DEAL WITH HARDSHIPS AND OBSTACLES!

Your celebration can include ART, HISTORY, or many other subjects.
You can write and perform original plays, poems, or songs.


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